Internal LITRA Seminars
Event dates: December 2010 – May 2011
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, English Department Meeting Room (third floor, room 130.037 / 3.11)
- Thursday 9 December 2010, 12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
“‘Steamships, Migrants, and Tourists: Antwerp as a Multilingual Gateway to America, 1860-1953”
Michael Boyden - Thursday 13 January 2011, 12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
“Holocaustherinnering in het voormalige Joegoslavië”
Stijn Vervaet - Thursday 10 February 2011, 12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
Reading group, Andreas Huyssen, “Present Pasts: Media, Politics, Amnesia”
Pieter Vermeulen - Thursday 24 March 2011, 12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
“‘World War 2.0: Commemorating War and Holocaust in Poland through Facebook”
Dieter De Bruyn - Tuesday 5 April 2011, 12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
“‘Holocaust Memory and the Critique of Violence in Caryl Churchill’s Seven Jewish Children: A Play for Gaza”
Stef Craps - Tuesday 10 May 2011, 12.30 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.
“Tom McCarthy and the Affective Afterlife of the Novel”
Pieter Vermeulen