CMSI Lecture: Bryan Cheyette
Event date: Tuesday 1 December 2015, 5.30 – 7 p.m. ***Note change of date!***
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, Faculty Room (first floor, right above the main entrance)
“The Contemporary Novel, Reality Hunger, and the Memory Boom”; given by Prof. Bryan Cheyette (University of Reading)
My talk will explore what I have begun to consider to be the structural question of supersessionist thinking in three main critical contexts: firstly with regard to the construction of contemporary literature, from post-war to postmodern and, finally, to post-postmodern so to speak; secondly in relation to the disciplinary formation of memory studies, from historical studies to memory studies and, finally, critical memory studies; and, last but not least, I want to end by looking at examples of supersessionist thinking in a variety of contemporary fictions with particular regard to the Holocaust and decolonization (under the sign of the post-1990s “memory boom”).
Bryan Cheyette is Chair in Modern Literature at the University of Reading. He is the editor or author of nine books most recently Diasporas of the Mind: Jewish/Postcolonial Writing and the Nightmare of History (Yale University Press, 2013) and volume seven of The Oxford History of the Novel in English (on the British and Irish novel, 1940-present), which Oxford University Press will publish in 2016. His research interests include racial representations in nineteenth- and twentieth-century English literature, postcolonial literature and theory, diasporic literature, Holocaust testimony and British-Jewish literature. He has reviewed contemporary fiction for the TLS, the Independent and the Guardian. His current project is a biography of Israel Zangwill for Yale University Press.
All are welcome. Admission is free, and registration is not required. For more information, please contact Stef Craps.