CMSI Seminars 2023-2024
Event date: October 2023 – June 2024
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2
- Thursday 19 October 2023, 12.00-1.00 p.m., Camelot meeting room (3.30 – Blandijn, Campus Boekentoren)
Discussion of Truth and Repair: How Trauma Survivors Envision Justice by Judith Herman and Coolie Woman: The Odyssey of Indenture by Gaiutra Bahadur - Thursday 30 November 2023, 12.00-1.00 pm, Camelot meeting room (3.30 – Blandijn, Campus Boekentoren)
Discussion of Taking Wrongs Seriously: Apologies and Reconciliation by Elazar Barkan and Alexander Karn, and Just Pretending: Political Apologies for Historical Injustice and Vice’s Tribute to Virtue by Mathias Thaler - Tuesday 27 February 2024, 2.00-3.00 pm, Camelot meeting room (3.30 – Blandijn, Campus Boekentoren)
Discussion of Beyond denial: Justifications of mass violence as an agenda for memory studies by Juliane Prade-Weiss, Dominik Markl, and Vladimir Petrović; and Ecologies of violence: Cultural memory (studies) and the genocide–ecocide nexus by ”Susanne Knittel - Thursday 21 March 2023, 12.00-1.00 pm, Panopticon meeting room (2.23 – Blandijn, Campus Boekentoren)
Discussion of Memory in Liquid Time by Marianne Hirsch and Leo Spitzer, in Critical Memory Studies: New Approaches edited by Brett Ashley Kaplan; and Memory is an interpretive action by Brian Schiff in Memory and Narrative a Special issue of Narrative Inquiry 33:2 (2023) edited by Alma Jeftic, Thomas Van de Putte, and Johana Wyss. - Thursday 13 June, 12.00-1.00 pm, Camelot meeting room (3.30 – Blandijn, Campus Boekentoren)
Discussion of Michael Rothberg, “Feeling Implicated: An Introduction” and Jonathan Flatley, “On Implicatedness as a Political Feeling”, from the Parallax Special issue Feeling Implicated: Affect, Responsibility, Solidarity, guest edited by Stefano Bellin, Jennifer Noji, Michael Rothberg, and Arielle Stambler.
All are welcome. For further information, please contact Guido Bartolini.