Désirée Schyns
Désirée Schyns studied French linguistics and literature and Theater and Film at Utrecht University in The Netherlands. After her doctoraal she followed courses in comparative literature at the VU in Amsterdam and Leiden University. Since november 1998 she works in Belgium where she teaches French translation and translation studies, first at Hogeschool Ghent and since 2013 at Ghent University. Till 1999 she was based in Amsterdam where she worked as a translator of literature and as a literary critic. She received her phd in 2007 and wrote a dissertation on the cultural memory of the Algerian Independance war in fiction written by francophone Algerian writers (La mémoire littéraire de la guerre d’Algérie dans la fiction algérienne francophone, published in 2012, L’Harmattan). In her research she focuses on the one hand on the cultural memory in Francophone fiction and testimony and on the other hand on literary translation and translation didactics. She published on the translation of multilingualism in a postcolonial context, on selftranslation, literature and migration and holocaust memory. Schyns is a member of the editorial board of Filter, tijdschrift over vertalen, where she publishes on a regular bases and also contributes to Webfilter: http://www.tijdschrift-filter.nl/webfilter/recensies.aspx. She gave workshops on literary translation and guestlectures for the research master Literair vertalen at Utrecht University. With Bettina Brandt she is the translator into Dutch of the german work of Yoko Tawada. She is the coordinator of TRACE (Translation and Culture, cf. http://www.trace.ugent.be/) and a member of the research group CLIV (Centre for Literature in Translation).
Department of Translation, Interpreting, and Communication / Room B 103 Ghent Universit