Jorn Verschuere
Jorn Verschuere is a PhD candidate (FWO) in Political Sciences at Ghent University (2022-2026). He holds Master’s degrees from Ghent University (History, 2017; Conflict and Development Studies, 2021) and an Advanced Bachelor Degree from UC Leuven-Limburg (International Cooperation: North-South Relations, 2017). His PhD project Cross-generational resistance to autocracy in Nicaragua focuses on the continuities and discontinuities between the resistance to the Somoza regime and the Ortega regime. Central to this research are memory and its relation to space as vehicles of these (dis)continuities and how these are operationalized as (de)legitimating devices for political power. This project aims to contribute to the understanding of the role of memories and politics of the past in the formation of political identities and the organization of political activism.
