Permanente Vorming Hedendaagse Literatuur: Literatuur en Terreur
Event date: September – December 2013
Location: Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2
Lecture series (in Du..
Mnemonics Summer School “Memory Unbound”
Event date: 9-11 September 2013
Location: Ghent University, Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, Zaal Rector Vermeylen
The theme of the second edi..
ALA Seminar “‘I Am Just Like You’: Perpetrators and Bystanders in Holocaust Literature and Film”
Event date: 23-26 May 2013
Location: ALA 2013, Boston
Proposed panel “‘I am Just Like You’: Perpetrators and Bystanders in Holocaust L..
LITRA Lecture: Eugene Arva
Event date: Wednesday 8 May 2013, 5.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, Large English Studies M..
LITRA Lecture: Klaas Smelik
Event date: Wednesday 17 April 2013, 5.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, Faculty Room
Postmemory Seminar with Marianne Hirsch
Event date: Thursday 13 December 2012, 1.30 p.m. – 4.45 p.m.
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, Faculty Room
Internal LITRA Seminars
Event dates: November 2012 – May 2013
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, third floor
- Tuesday 6 November 2012, ..
Internationalisation@Home Lecture Series “Memory Unbound”
Event dates: October 2012 – December 2012
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Rozier 44, Auditorium M
A series of four lectures..
Mnenomics Seminar “Aesthetics and Ethics of Memory”
Event date: 20-22 September 2012
Location: Aarhus, Denmark
For the inaugural seminar of Mnemonics: Network for Memory Studies, a newly..
ESSE Seminar “The Other Witness? Imagining the Perpetrator”
Event date: 4-8 September 2012
Location:ESSE 2012 Istanbul
Seminar title: “The Other Witness? Imagining the Perpetrator”
LITRA Lecture: Lyndsey Stonebridge
Event date: Wednesday 25 April 2012, 5.30 p.m. – 6.30 p.m.
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, Faculty Room
LITRA Lecture: Michael Rothberg and Yasemin Yildiz
Event date: Wednesday 28 March 2012, 5.30 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, Auditorium B (second fl..