Round Table: History and Memory of World War II Occupation in Belgium
History and Memory of World War II Occupation in Belgium: A Round Table Discussion
3 October 2024
Ghent University, De Boekentoren,..
Meet the PhD Jury: Prof. Jeffrey Gibbons, “Nothing Ever Dies: Trauma, Memory, and Healing in Toni Morrison’s Beloved”
Speaker: Prof. Jeffrey Gibbons (United States Military Academy at West Point)
Title: “Nothing Ever Dies: Trauma, Memory, and Healing in T..
Lezing “Et le Congo créa la littérature” door schrijver In Koli Jean Bofane
Date: 11 maart 2024 Location: UGent, Blandijn, 1e verdiep
Featured Member: Brigitte Herremans
Featured Member shines a spotlight on the diverse research interests of, and the exciting projects undertaken by, those affiliated with th..
CFP: Armed Archives: Studying Archives of Non-State Armed Actors – Methodological Workshop
Armed Archives: Studying Archives of Non-State Armed Actors – Methodological Challenges and New Research Avenues
Ghent University, 26-27 ..
CFP: Complicities in the Second World War: Literature of Occupation, Collaboration, and Impure Resistance
Complicities in the Second World War: Literature of Occupation, Collaboration, and Impure Resistance
Monasterium Poortackere, Ghent, Be..
CMSI Lecture – Sraddha Shivani Rajkomar
Speaker: Dr Sraddha Shivani Rajkomar (University of Mauritius)
Title: Translating Trauma, (Re)writing Memory: Mauritius and the Indenture..
CMSI Lecture – Rebekah Vince
Speaker: Dr Rebekah Vince (Queen Mary, University of London)
Title: The Shoah in Postcolonial Perspective: Etty Hillesum and her Morocca..
Lecture Series in African and Global History: David Mwambari
Speaker: Professor David Mwambari (KU Leuven)
Title: The Politics of Vernacular Memory in Post-Colonial African Contexts
Part of the 2..
CMSI Lecture – Francesca Billiani
Speaker: Professor Francesca Billiani (University of Manchester)
Title: Regimes of Memory: Scenes from a Journey through Italy
Event ..
Conference Programme: Memorias y Violencias en Perú: Continuidad, Ruptura, Resistencia
TAPAS/Thinking about the past & el departamento de Historia presentan:
CMSI Seminars 2023-2024
Event date: October 2023 – June 2024
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2
- Thursday 19 October 2023, 12.00-1.00 p..