Stap per stap door de dekolonisatie: Podcast van UNYA Gent
Stilstaan bij de koloniale geschiedenis van de stad: “Stap per stap door de dekolonisatie” is een audiowalk in het hartje van Gent, waarbi..
Performance: APHASIA – Jelena Jureša
New Date: Saturday 10 December, 2022 at 21:30.
Location: De Singel, Antwerp
A performance by visual artist and filmmaker Jelena Jureša. ..
PhD Defence: Ida M. Olsen, “Fictionalizing the Sixth Mass Extinction: Roots, Exclusions, Biases”
Subject to passing her internal PhD defence, Ida M. Olsen will be publicly defending her PhD thesis titled “Fictionalizing the Sixth Mass ..
New Book Translation: Hélène Cixous, Station Osnabrück naar Jeruzalem
3 mei 2022
Vertaling: Désirée Schyns
Nawoord: Christa Stevens
In Station Osnabrück naar Jeruzalem beschrijft Hélène Cixous een episod..
Collaborative Opportunity: Cultural Memory of World War II in Former Axis Powers States
Research Network
The study of the cultural memory of World War II is still affected by disciplinary and language boundaries and would b..
Featured Member: Zoë Ghyselinck
Featured Member shines a spotlight on the diverse research interests of, and the exciting projects undertaken by, those affiliated with th..
In Conversation with Koleka Putuma
Event date: Monday 10 October 2022, 4.30 p.m.
Location: Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Blandijnberg 2, Faculty Room (first floor)
Meet the PhD Jury: Dolly Jørgensen, “Encountering Extinction as Heritage”
On Thursday 6 October 2022 Professor Dolly Jørgensen of the University of Stavanger, a leading environmental historian and journal editor,..
New Book: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Memory
New book: The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Memory, edited by Sharon Deane-Cox and Anneleen Spiessens
The Routledge Handbook of..
Human Rights @ De Krook | Literatuur en mensenrechten
Event date: 5 May 2022, 7. 30 p.m to 9 p.m.
Location: Bibliotheek De Krook, zaal de Blauwe Vogel, verdieping -1 / via live-st..
CFP Mnemonics 2022 – Mnemopolitics: Contested Memories and (Ab)uses of the Past
Event dates: 16-19 August 2022
Location: Stockholm, Sweden and online (hybrid)
The tenth Mnemonics summer school will be hosted by Söd..
CFP: Museums as Spaces of Cultural Translation and Transfer
International conference
University of Tartu, Estonia
10-11 May 2022
Over the past decades, Translation Studies scholars have systemati..