Round Table: History and Memory of World War II Occupation in Belgium

Round Table: History and Memory of World War II Occupation in Belgium

History and Memory of World War II Occupation in Belgium: A Round Table Discussion 

3 October 2024

Ghent University, De Boekentoren, Rozier 9, 9000 Gent

18:00 – 19:30 (followed by a reception)

Registration (The event is free, but registration is mandatory)

This round table aims to take stock of current debates about Belgian memory of World War II by addressing the history of collaboration in Belgium and the role that cultural products, including literary texts and digital resources, have played in the articulation of a memory of the past. The round table opens the international conference ‘Complicities in the Second World War: Literature of Occupation, Collaboration, and Impure Resistance’, which takes place in Ghent on 4 and 5 October. For more information visit


Chair: Professor Koen Aerts (Ghent University)


The event has been curated by Dr. Guido Bartolini as part of his FWO Senior Postdoctoral fellowship, and it has  received financial support from the FNRS, the FWO, the UGent Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, the UGent Department of History, the Centre for Literary & Intermedial Crossings (CLIC) at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the UGent Department of Literary Studies, the UGent section of English, the UGent Human Rights Research Network (HRRN), and the UGent section of German.