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Stefano Bellin


Stefano Bellin is a comparative literature scholar who focuses on 20th- and 21st-century literature and culture. Broadly speaking, his work explores questions of historical and political responsibility by building mutually illuminating dialogues between literary texts and theoretical frameworks. Most of his research approaches literature as a site of theorization to address ethico-political and aesthetic questions (e.g., the shame of being human, political affects, the politics of memory, war and political violence, international migration, global responsibility, the power of literature, what does it mean to “begin” something in art and politics, what are the criteria for considering something “new”).

He is currently completing a monograph titled The Shame of Being Human: A Philosophical Reading of Primo Levi (Peter Lang); an edited book, Levi beyond Levi: Creative Engagements with Primo Levi (Liverpool University Press); and two special issues (of Comparative Critical Studies and Literature Compass).

During his postdoctoral fellowship, he will work on a project titled “Literature and Political Imagination: Expanding the Sense of the Possible.”

Bellin has edited five special issues of Literature CompassParagraph (with Kevin Inston and Florian Mussgnug), Parallax (special double issue; with Michael Rothberg, Jennifer Noji, and Arielle Stambler), and Italian Culture (with Guido Bartolini).

His articles have appeared in journals including ParallaxLiterature CompassParagraphComparative Critical StudiesNeMLAItalian CultureOpenDemocracy, and Close Encounters in War Journal.

Besides his scholarly work, Bellin is also putting together a collection of poems (provisionally titled “Peratallada”).


Department of Literary Studies (English Section)
Ghent University
Blandijnberg 2
9000 Ghent

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